Sunday, November 22, 2009

Collapse, Money Grab, California tuition increase, Wall Street record profits..

According to the HEF Index the Five Stages of Collapse are: 1. Financial Collapse 2. Commercial Collapse 3. Political Collapse 4. Social Collapse 5. Cultural Collapse.

Crackedlibertybell contacted an associate statistician for the HEF Index and asked: "In what stage does the National Football League (NFL) collapse?"

The response from the HEF Index associate said, "The NFL is last to go."

We at Crackedlibertybell cannot wait!

It seems that the ruling class is preparing for the collapse by squeezing every-last-drop of capital out of us before the big ole' shit sinks. For instance: How'bout that 32% tuition increase for the California universities? Imagine if YOU, the average body-weight person, were to gain 32% more body weight (fat) by tomorrow. You'd be an extra 50 pounds... probably about what your hiking backpack weighs when it is packed totally full. What a fucking increase!!! California has the second WORST rate for high school students going from high school into college, just worse than Mississippi - mostly because students' families are totally financially BROKE... And yet, the California university system (state colleges, state universities, and community colleges) MADE MORE MONEY this past fiscal year than EVER before! The California University system makes most of their profit from the University Hospitals, Private, State, and Federal Research Grants, Sport tickets, etc. Yes, they made more money this past year than EVER before!!! And a tuition increase??? Wall Street ALSO made record profits this past year. Is this the final life-boat-grab by the greedy rich devils?

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